Teaching and Supervision
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM
Each presentation is 10 minutes + 2 minutes for Q&A.
Listed in order of presentation.
You can go between rooms to hear specific presentations, if you wish.
Caterine, Scott
Burns, Levi; Caterine, Scott; Walker, Danielle; Ghumman, Zonia; Lee, Stefanie
Measuring changes in undergraduate medical student radiology knowledge and perceptions following a one-week comprehensive boot camp
Wadie, Juliana
Wadie, Juliana; Burrows, Kristen
Assessing Physician Assistant Competency, Integration, and Satisfaction Within Teaching Hospitals in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Grace, Matthew
Grace, Matthew; Azim, Arden; Keuhl, Amy; Wojkowski, Sarah; Blissett, Sarah; Sibbald, Matthew
Assessing Asynchronous Virtual Interprofessional Education Curricula for Healthcare Professional Students
Wood, Katelyn; Brewer-Deluce, Danielle
Wood, Katelyn; Brewer-Deluce, Danielle
Remote Proctoring: Testing the Limits of Student Performance; a Quality Improvement (QI) Study