New Ideas
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Each presentation is 10 minutes + 2 minutes for Q&A.
Listed in order of presentation.
You can go between rooms to hear specific presentations, if you wish.
Abrams, Mitchell
Abrams, Mitchell
RADD ART: RADiologost Developed Autonomic Rewiring Therapy
Simon, Taryn
Simon, Taryn; Owais, Sawayra; Duarte, Dante; Acai, Anita
Chronicling the Experience of Transitioning to Competence by Design in a Subspeciality Program: The Case of Geriatric Psychiatry at McMaster University
Chan, Teresa
David, Victoria; Mithoowani, Siraj; Britto, Joanne; Ungaretti, Toni; Chan, Teresa
Understanding the Competencies Required to Provide an Effective Clinical Consultation
Sibbald, Matthew
Sibbald, Matthew; Abdulla, Bashayer; Keuhl, Amy; Norman, Geoffrey; Monteiro, Sandra; Sherbino, Jonathan
Isabel in the ER
Chan, Teresa
David, Victoria; Mithoowani, Siraj; Britto, Joanne; Ungaretti, Toni; Chan, Teresa
Faculty physicians’ approach to providing feedback on consultative skills: an opportunity for continuing professional development