Admissions & Selection
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Each presentation is 10 minutes + 2 minutes for Q&A.
Listed in order of presentation.
You can go between rooms to hear specific presentations, if you wish.
Khan, Heba
Ngo, Thuy-Anh; Choi, Joshua
Chan, Teresa; Khan, Heba; Peever, Alex; Monteiro, Sandra
Ngo, Thuy-Anh; Choi, Joshua; Menezes, Anjali; MacIntosh, Alexander; Profetto, Jason; Grierson, Lawrence
Talent in Medical Education: A Scoping Review
Towards Equitable and Inclusive Admissions to Medical Schools: A Scoping Review of Bias in Selection Processes
Ngo, Thuy-Anh
Menezes, Anjali; MacIntosh, Alexander; Profetto, Jason; Grierson, Lawrence; Ngo, Thuy-Anh
Promoting Diversity in the Canadian Medical Profession: Insights from a Demographic Survey of Medical School Applicants
Yang, Laurie
Chang, Irene; Yang, Laurie
Aspiring medical student perceptions and behaviours concerning research experiences for selection into Canadian medical schools