Keynote Speaker
Dr. Saleem Razack

Dr. Razack joined faculty at UBC/BC Children’s Hospital in 2023, after a 25-year career as a pediatric intensivist and medical educator/education researcher at McGill University. He is a graduate of the University of Toronto. His research Interests in Medical Education include the intersection of assessment and professionalism with representation, equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-racism, for which he has had SSHRC and CIHR support. He is the recipient of the AFMC May Cohen award for outstanding contributions to equity in medical education, the Haile T. Debas award for contributions to equity in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at McGill, and the Pediatric Chairs of Canada award for outstanding contribution to Medical Education. He is excited to start anew at UBC and hopes to continue to serve in and contribute to the vibrant scholarly community in health professions education in Canada and beyond.
Honouring the Multitudes: Removing Racism from Medical Education
Dr. Saleem Razack
Medical Education is based upon white-supremacist knowledge systems which pervade all aspects learning from the classroom to the bedside. Many have been brought to harm by racist medical practices. To change such practices will require a critical examination of formal, informal and hidden curricula within medical education.
The author hopes to engage the audience in a discussion of the white supremacist and otherwise discriminatory knowledge systems of medical education, which have expressed themselves in troubling ways, from the deep and uneasy relationship between medical education and eugenics to unjust systems of health care, to give two examples. Secondly, the presenter would like to engage the audience a critical examination of social constructs of professionalism in medicine and how these might be made more explicitly anti-racist and anti-oppressive. Thirdly, we will examine the concepts of “equity”, “diversity”, “inclusion”, “merit”, and related ideas as complex multi-voiced phenomena. Throughout the discussion, participants will be encouraged to move seamlessly through theory and praxis and will be asked to imagine what anti-racist medical education might look like.
Funded Research Presentations
Matthew Sibbald and Maham Rehman
COVID-19's Impact on Professional Identity Formation in Medical Education: An Exploration through the TIME Framework
Authors: Rehman, Maham; Khalid, Faran; Sheth, Urmi; Al-Duaij, Lulwa; Chow, Justin; Blissett, Sarah; Sibbald, Matthew
Natalie Tokatly
Assessing Narrative Comment Quality Before and After Competency-Based Medical Education Implementation in Psychiatry​
Authors: Tokatly, Natalie; Sabbineni, Monica; Lentz, Vanessa; Harms, Sheila; Acai, Anita