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Posters will be presented in-person at NERD 2022 from 1:00 - 2:00PM in the PGCLL First Floor Lobby.

Listed alphabetically based on first presenter surname.

Posters: List




Amoudi, Lana; Coelho, Varun; Segovia, Gerald; Varambally, Meghna; Vejdani, Pariya; Wang, Tracy

Amoudi, Lana; Coelho, Varun; Segovia, Gerald; Varambally, Meghna; Vejdani, Pariya; Wang, Tracy; Ball, Alexander; Bayer, Ilana; Bernard, Jason; Helli, Peter; Mitchell, Joshua; Pitt, Courtney; Saraco, Anthony; Wainman, Bruce

Development and Implementation of an Online OSPE Test Bank Graded by Artificial Intelligence

Bellini, Jonathan

Bellini, Jonathan; Elghamudi, Taha; Lee, Stefanie; Walker, Danielle

Student Perceptions of Radiology in the McMaster Medical School Undergraduate Curriculum: A Focus Group Study

Coelho, Varun

Coelho, Varun; Bilgic, Elif; Keuhl, Amy; Sibbald, Matthew

Understanding feedback for learners in interprofessional settings: A scoping review

Grace, Matthew

Grace, Matthew; Azim, Arden; Keuhl, Amy; Sibbald, Matthew

Assessing Asynchronous Virtual Interprofessional Education Curricula for Healthcare Professional Students​

Hasan, Farah Z

Hasan, Farah Z; McBride, Jennifer M; Mitchell, Josh P; Anwarzi, Deewa; Sonnadara, Ranil R; Wainman, Bruce C

Using Virtual Reality Environments and Clinical Scenarios to Enrich Anatomy Education

Hilsenteger, Elizabeth

Hilsenteger, Elizabeth; Bronte Johnston; Lyn Gum; Beth Murray-Davis

The Global Midwifery Peer-to-Peer Program

Lohit, Simran; Ives, Rowan

Chan, Sachi; Lohit, Simran; Ives, Rowan; Reis, Isabella; Touliopoulos, Evangelea; Sinha, Sakshi; Nehru, Amit; DeYoung, Veronica; Mitchell, Joshua P.; Brewer-Deluce, Danielle; Sonnadara, Ranil; Wainman, Bruce C.

Evaluating Cybersickness in Using Virtual 3D Models for Anatomy Learning

Mathews, Ashish; Liu, April; Khemani, Ekta

Mathews, Ashish; Liu, April; Khemani, Ekta

The Anesthesia App: A Mobile App for Anesthesia Education ​

Moinuddin, Ali; Zafar, Zainab; Tiwary, Ayushka

Moinuddin, Ali; Zafar, Zainab; Tiwary, Ayushka

Trainee Perspectives of a Graduate-Student-Led Research Traineeship: A Preliminary Assessment

Moosa, Sabreena; Thorburn-Winsor, Emily

Moosa, Sabreena; Thorburn-Winsor, Emily

Medical student perceptions of grief support training in undergraduate medical education at McMaster University: a needs assessment

Lohit, Simran

Reis, Isabella; Lohit, Simran; Ives, Rowan; Chan, Sachi; Touliopoulos, Evangelea; Sinha, Sakshi; Nehru, Amit; DeYoung, Veronica; Mitchell, Joshua P.; Brewer-Deluce, Danielle; Sonnadara, Ranil; Wainman, Bruce C.

Differences in Performance when Using Virtual Reality, Autostereoscopy, and Physical Models for Learning Skeletal Anatomy

Scott, Andrew

Scott, Andrew; Sibbald, Matthew; Bilgic, Elif; Keuhl, Amy

Preparing health learners for telemedicine using simulation training: a scoping review​

Sinha, Sakshi

Sinha, Sakshi; Chan, Sachi; Ives, Rowan; Lohit, Simran; Reis, Isabella; Touliopoulos, Evangelea; Nehru, Amit; DeYoung, Veronica; Mitchell, Josh P.; Brewer-Deluce, Danielle; Wainman, Bruce C.

Evaluating Cognitive Load of Learning Anatomy in Virtual Environments

Zhang, Betty; Darie, Sorin; Le, Elaine

Zhang, Betty; Darie, Sorin; Le, Elaine; Wang, Austine; Palombella, Andrew; Rockarts, Jasmine; Downer, Naomi; DeSA, Darren; Nguyen, Laura; Monteiro, Sandra; Wainman, Bruce

Determining the Optimal Soft Tissue Preservation Techniques for Surgical Skills Training

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