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Funded Research

11:45AM - 1:00PM

Each presentation is 10 minutes + 2 minutes for Q&A.

Listed in order of presentation.

You can go between rooms to hear specific presentations, if you wish.

Funded Research: Image




Martin, Leslie; Johnston, Bronte

Martin, Leslie; Johnston, Bronte; Blissett, Sarah; Gauthier, Stephen; Gilchrist, Tristen; Madan, Sunchit; Hatala, Rose; Zhang, Lindsey; Sibbald, Matt

How trainees use entrustable professional activities for learning: A cross-center comparison

Molinaro, Monica

Molinaro, Monica; Vanstone, Meredith; Inglis, Gabrielle; Agarwal, Gina

Provider and Patient Experiences of Health Inequity in Primary Care: Navigating the Entwinement of Social and Medical Needs

Levine, Oren

Levine, Oren; Jekic, Danica, Lean Steinberg, Jeff Myers, Nadia Incardona, Hsien Seow

Remote Education Strategies Training Oncology Residents for End-of-Life Discussions (The RESTORED study)

Ramlogan-Salanga, Claire

Ramlogan-Salanga, Claire; Campbell, Audrey; Grierson, Lawrence; Darling, Elizabeth K

Transforming the Ontario Midwifery Education Program through social justice curriculum: a modified Delphi study

Lee, Claire

Lee, Claire; Martin, Leslie; Brandt Vegas, Daniel

Learning to Discuss Goals of Care in Internal Medicine: A Replication Study

Funded Research: List
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