Clinical Decision Making & CBME
11:45AM - 1:00PM
Each presentation is 10 minutes + 2 minutes for Q&A.
Listed in order of presentation.
You can go between rooms to hear specific presentations, if you wish.
Monteiro, Sandra
LoGiudice, Andrew;Â Sibbald, Matthew; Monteiro, Sandra; Sherbino, Jonathan; Norman, Geoffrey R.; Chan, Teresa
Through the Eyes of the Beholder: What CanMEDS roles do clinician teachers see when interpreting EPAs?
Sibbald, Matthew
Sibbald, Matthew;Â Pugh, Debra; Sherbino, Jonathan; Morin, Maxim, Norman, Geoffrey R; Monteiro, Sandra
Does Allowing Access to Electronic Differential Diagnosis Support Threaten the Validity of a Licensing Exam?
Sherbino, Jonathan
Sibbald, Matthew;Â Sherbino, Jonathan; Monteiro, Sandra; LoGiudice, Andrew; Lee, Mark; Keuhl, Amy; Norman, Geoffrey
Are two (or more) heads better than one?
Norman, Geoffrey
Sherbino, Jonathan;Â Sibbald, Matthew; Monteiro, Sandra; LoGiudice, Andrew; Lee, Mark; Keuhl, Amy; Norman, Geoff
The Value of Group Interaction in Diagnostic Reasoning?
Thrall, Sam
Thrall, Sam;Â Chambers, Larry
An Innovative method of Learner and Faculty Interaction in Teaching Evidence-Based Medicine