Curriculum Development
10:15 - 11:30AM
Each presentation is 10 minutes + 2 minutes for Q&A.
Listed in order of presentation.
You can go between rooms to hear specific presentations, if you wish.
Dehmoobad Sharifabadi, Anahita
Dehmoobad Sharifabadi, Anahita;Â Bellini, Jonathan; Alabousi, Abdullah; Monteiro, Sandra; Al-Arnawoot, Basma
Investigating Canadian Radiology residents understanding of financial literacy: a nation-wide survey.
Li, Athena
Li, Athena;Â Bilgic, Elif; Keuhl, Amy; Sibbald, Matthew
Does your group matter? How group function impacts educational outcomes in problem-based learning: a scoping review
Britto, Joanne
Britto, Joanne;Â Alshenaiber, Abdullah; Cantor, Nathan; Chen, Andrew; Grzela, Patrick; Sadeghian, Shadi; Singh, Devika; Zhang, Cindy; Douketis, James; Chan, Teresa; Mithoowani, Siraj
The Systematic Online Academic Resource (SOAR) Review as a novel methodology to curate Free and Open Access Medical Education resources
Holbrook, Anne
Holbrook, Anne;Â Levinson, Anthony J; Keshavjee, Karim; Perri, Dan; Levine, Mitchell; Rudkowski, Jill; McLeod, Heather; Ford, Angela; Maxwell, Simon
Developing a Canadian Clinical Pharmacology e-Curriculum with Online Assessment for Medical Students