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2021 Award Winners & Fund Recipients

Award Winner & Fund Recipient: Team Members
A Gangji VP Photo.jpeg

2021 Health Professions Educator Award

Dr. Azim Gangi

Dr. Azim Gangji is a Professor of Medicine at McMaster University and a leader in education. He is the inaugural Vice President of Education at SJH Hamilton.  He has held leadership positions in UGME and PGME at McMaster including the inaugural Clerkship Director of Medical Specialties Selectives, Program Director of Nephrology, Fellowship Director of 4 fellowships including AFC Director of Solid Organ Transplantation. In these roles, he has been recognized nationally for innovation in education. Dr. Gangji has also been pivotal in redesigning how education in Medical Specialties is organized and delivered. 

At a national level, Dr. Gangji is the Chair, Canadian Society of Transplant in Education and hold numerous leadership positions at the Royal College with a special interest in the area of AFCs. 

Internationally, Dr. Gangji is also involved in the promotion and delivery of education in global health settings and has been instrumental in the development of clinical programs in Guyana in the provision of kidney care and in promoting medical training in Canada.

Image by Susan Q Yin

2021 Education Scholarship Fund

2021 Winners:

Dr. Oren Levine

Virtual strategies for teaching communication skills to residents for difficult conversations in oncology

Dr. Leslie Martin

How trainees use entrustable professional activities for learning: A cross-center comparison


The Education Scholarship Fund is to promote and support scholarship (research and innovation) in health sciences education in the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), McMaster University.

Past Award Winners & Fund Recipients

Health Professions Educator Award

The award is designed to encourage and reward the continued excellence of health professions education and scholarship within McMaster University. Nominees will be senior faculty and leaders in their respective educational schools that have made substantial contributions to education in the Faculty of Health Sciences including teaching, mentorship, educational scholarship, or research, throughout
their careers.

Past Winners:

2017: Sue Baptiste (School of Rehabilitation Science)

2018: Rob Whyte (Undergraduate Medical Education)

2019: Janet Landeen (School of Nursing)

2020: Sarah Wojkowski (School of Rehabilitation Science, Program for Interprofessional Practice, Education & Research)

Education Scholarship Fund

The Education Scholarship Fund is to promote and support scholarship (research and innovation) in health sciences education in the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), McMaster University.

Past Winners:

​Anthony Levinson

Crowd-sourcing Practice Questions and Test Enhanced Learning: Capacity building strategies and randomized trial

Edward Matsumoto

Evaluation of new techniques for objective technical skills assessment for competency-based evaluation of surgical residents

Bernice Downey

Indigenous Health Initiative

Lawrence Grierson

Observational analyses of the associations between the geographical disposition of McMaster-graduated physicians before medical school, in training, and eventual practice

Noori Ahktar Danesh

Q-Methodology: A Revolutionary Approach to Course Evaluation

Award Winner & Fund Recipient: Team Members
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