Each presentation is 10 minutes in length
Choose the session you want to attend between the two tracks.
You can go between rooms to hear specific presentations, if you wish.

12:20 pm - 1:20 pm
LoGiudice, Andrew
LoGiudice, Andrew; Sherbino, Jonathan; Watter, Scott; Norman, Geoffrey; Monteiro, Sandra, Sibbald, Matthew
Eyeballing’ illness severity in acute care: A dissociation between intuitive and deliberate decisions via eye tracking
McConnery, Jason
McConnery, Jason; Bassilious, Ereny; Ngo, Quang
Engagement and Learning in a Novel spaced repetition intervention for a paediatrics academic half day curriculum
Sinha, Sakshi
Bak, Alex Beomju; Simms, Abigail; Sinha, Sakshi; Shin, David; Mitchell, Josh P.; Saraco, Anthony N.; Brewer-Deluce, Danielle; Wainman, Bruce C.
Examining the Effects of Stereopsis in Testing Anatomical Knowledge Using a Novel Virtual Reality Educational Tool
Suart, Celeste
Tsirulnikov, Danielle; Suart, Celeste; Vulcu, Felicia; Mullarkey, Caitlin
Gamification in learning: Virtual laboratory simulation improves student learning outcomes & motivation
Yang, Jack; DeYoung, Veronica; Xue, Yuan; Nehru, Amit
Yang, Jack; DeYoung, Veronica; Xue, Yuan; Nehru, Amit; Brewer-Deluce, Danielle; Wainman, Bruce
Don’t forget about size! 3D models are ideal for anatomical learning when diameter is greater than 10cm
Zahorka, Stephanie
Zahorka, Stephanie; Bayer, Ilana M.; Levinson, Anthony J.
The Design of Technology-Mediated Continuing Medical Education for Family Physicians

12:20 pm - 1:20 pm
Hildebrand, Alexandra
Hildebrand, Alex, Lennox, Robin; Redwood-Campbell, Lynda
Social Medicine Curriculum for Family Medicine Residents: Lessons Learned
Moll, Sandra; Addanki, Sheila
Moll, Sandra, Luciana; Addanki, Sheila
Implementation and outcomes of an evidence based Mental health training program (Beyond Silence) for healthcare workers.
Snelgrove, Natasha
Snelgrove, Natasha, Zaccagnini, Marco; McCabe, Randi; McConnell, Meghan; Sherbino, Jonathan
Developing a Competency Framework for Communication Skills in Psychiatry Residency Education
Arora, Roochi
Arora, Roochi, Kazemi, Ghazaleh; Hsu, Tina; Levine, Oren; Basi, Sanraj K; Henning, Jan-Willem; Sussman, Jonathan; Mukherjee, Som D
Residency Program Changes Before Competency-Based Medical Education: A Survey of Canadian Medical Oncology Program Directors
Tran, Cindy Khai Nhi
Tran, Cindy Khai Nhi, Zering, Jennifer; Howcroft, Kathleen; Sonnadara, Ranil
The impact of new surgical coaching tool: Facilitating collaborative teaching experiences