Thank you for participating in Norman Education Research Day! This is our first time hosting NERD in a virtual format so please bear with us if we stumble upon any technical interruptions on the day. In order to make your NERD experience a smooth one, here are some guidelines and tips to help you navigate your way around on Wednesday June 3 2020!

Guidelines for a Virtual NERD!
What you need to know to be a successful participant in NERD 2020

Download Zoom prior to June 3rd 2020.
Click the link in the schedule of the sessions you want to attend to join the Meeting
Ensure that your video and audio are turned off before joining.
Hover your mouse over your name in the “Participants” list on the right side of the Zoom window. Click on “Rename”. Enter your name and click on “OK”.

Raise hand option when speaking
Please remember to be respectful to the presenters
Please ensure that your video & audio are muted when you are not speaking to avoid any playback

The sessions are being recorded to be available to HSED students and will be posted on the Avenue to Learn platform
Hover over the "Tracks" tab to get sessions.
Hover over "Acknowledgments" tab for Welcome Messages.
Helpful Information
How do I connect?
Download Zoom platform in advance
To get familiar with Zoom, check out this video here.
Join the Zoom meeting for whichever session you wish to attend (schedule available on the NERD website)
Try to find a quiet space with minimal to no background noise
If you are on a laptop, connect to a power outlet
Use an ethernet connection if possible as this will reduce internet connection issues
When speaking (either as presenter or asking a question) ensure your mic is unmuted and that you are speaking at an audible, comfortable level
I am a participant, what are my roles?
Please keep video and audio OFF during the presentations
How to ask a question during a presentation:
Use the “Raise Hand” function in Zoom and the facilitator will call on you to ask your question
Unmute your microphone and speak
Mute your microphone when you are finished speaking
Alternatively, you can type your question in the chat box and the facilitator will repeat your question out loud to the audience Please keep the question brief as there is a short amount of time for each presentation dedicated to questions
I am a presenter, what are my roles?
Test your one-page slide beforehand to ensure it looks good and easy to read
Ensure your audio connection is well-established and that you are speaking clearly
Anticipate possible interruptions due to connectivity issues or participant technical issues
If you notice your Zoom is lagging during the session, turn off your video and keep audio only
If you have multiple people on Wi-Fi in your household, disconnect their internet connection during the time of your presentation (if possible)
Be prepared to take questions from other participants after your presentation
Your slide will be screen shared by the session facilitator. You won’t have to do anything on your end. All you will have to do is vocally give the presentation.